Saturday, February 22, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014


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So I spent a week preparing for a business trip, and spent the last week on the east coast in meetings and such.  While away my wife let me know of a "strange smell" in the house.

As the week wore on...the smell got worse apparently, and upon arriving home after a wicked long flight, I walked into the house to discover...the smell.

LONG story short...came home from work today, up into the roof crawl space (made for rats and halflings, not 6'2 guys) and after digging through six inch snowdrifts of powdered insulation..I found the dead rat.

In HOW terms it was a 4/IQ check and with a +2 DRM for insulation and being cramped. Not bad for an IQ9 trooper! :)

To the kind fellow who emailed me asking about Grim Venture my ode to Death is still coming! I think there are core rules I'd like to finishing putting out (Monster book and the Blades & Black Magic book of options) before focusing on Grim Venture.

Stick with me it will get done and if you are looking for solo adventures to play right now, you HAVE to check out Dark City Games!!

Anyway, I think I might have something new for you this weekend, stay tuned!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Islands on the horizon

I sent emails out with a blank map. icons, and instructions to all participants in this fun little community Salt Box project!  Thank you each and everyone for participating and having a go!

For myself, I will work on mine as well cranking away on the monster book!  Work is piling up on the real life job front so posting will be light here on the blog as I try to focus on making more stuff in between the constant travel and needs of my real job! :)

Don't take the posting gaps on this blog as a sign of inactivity--in fact it reveals quite the opposite! As always I very much appreciate your support and hope you enjoy playing the game!  More good stuff to come!