Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Not Necromancy...

I am indeed alive!  AN incredibly busy year of travel just got more crazy as the year ended. In between I continued to work and play-test a different magic system based on power words.  Sadly it was a lot of time and effort that did not come together as I hoped.

In a short take, what was fun for an experienced gamer was confusing and off putting for new or "lite" gamers.  Gaming is very much changing and to make it as enjoyable as possible to as many people as possible, there is an element of ease of play that takes precedence.

So to get Black Magic back on track and completed, I am going back to just include a fixed/preset spell list (like HOW)

That is not to say that "alternate magics" is not still an opportunity for BBM I want to create--it just means I can't make it work and serve the needs of a new player and an advanced player. Trying to do so is

1) Delaying Black Magic
2) Making me crazy

So the black ship is changing course to be spell list only so I can work to get it done.

When?--This year is the best I can provide for now.  Often my time is not my own (went from 2 trips scheduled in Q1 to 5 in the span of a day--and more are in discussion. So I write where I can when I can.

Appreciate your kind patience, I too want this done and out there as soon as possible!!

Keep the faith true believers, and happiest of New Year to you and yours!


  1. Life intrudes, CR. Life intrudes. I think you are taking the wisest course. One thing to consider is that even with a pre-set spell list, the simple tone of the spells could help set up more of a swords & sorcery--more metal--feel to the magic system.

    As a true believer, man--anything you produce is going to make me happy!

    1. I fully agree. A pre-set spell list that really invokes and captures the feel of the implied setting.
      Spells that ignite and propell the imagination.

      Looking forward to seeing what the end result is.

  2. Whatever you come up with is going to be great! Can hardly wait to see it.

    Maybe a more "advanced" magic system some time in the future as an "optional" way to play? Either way though, it will be fun to have the magic available!

  3. I’ll be looking forward for more news!!! Thanks!!!

  4. Hopefully, if any of those trips are to China, they are on hold for now! ;-)

    1. Domestic only right now, still a bit nerve wracking to be honest.

    2. Early days yet, not enough info to know what the odds really are, so you've a strong reason to feel that way!

  5. What happened to your Author Spotlight page on Lulupress.com? no pdfs or anything.

    1. Odd, I just checked it is still there...

