Saturday, May 11, 2013


The Magi Carta is now available for purchase

It's available as a printed book with art or a PDF, sans art!  I'd like to thank you for your patience as its taken months more than I planned to finish, but I hope you will find it worth the wait!  I also want tot thank my wife for her patience and creativity in helping to bring the Magi Carta to life by creating the cover and some interior illustrations! I'd also like to thank Luigi Castellani for lending his talent as well as Richard Luschek for illustrating the back cover!

Here is a link to purchase it on and the promo code MAYBOOKS13 will get you 20% off either book, PDF, or both if you are so inclined!  Note, codes are different in Europe so I am not sure this discount will work in Europe.

Up next?  Cauldron #1 

What's in it? Some great adventures, an alternate take on weapons and armor, and article on alchemy, some new creatures and did I mention some great adventures?!   It should be ready for you about a month from now in June! Thanks for your support and I hope you will enjoy it!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks very much sir, and my wife thanks you kindly for the praise as well!

  2. Looks great! Ordered! Now back to work on Cauldron #1!

