Sunday, December 15, 2013

Kismet? Mini Campaign

I stumbled across a series of recent posts at Aeons & Augauries regarding mini-campaigns.  This process works up and populates 60 hexes. 

This is an interesting primer and should give you an idea of what the Pack Full of Peril project could generate and turn into.

Keep your ideas, concerns and suggestions coming!


  1. hey, that's cool. i've done something very similar to that before but i was using squares instead of hexes. that's probably the best way to populate a map.

    i've seen another method here:
    really like it for a small-scale map. would be extremely tedious for anything large.

    as far as megahex terrain tiles go, there are 7 hexes - each of which have 5-7 possibilities (depends on how many terrain types you are considering). this means there are 7^7 different megahex terrain tiles possible. if your calculator isn't handy, that's 823,543 possibilities. rules like 'desert can't touch forest, swamp, or water' and 'swamp can't touch desert or mountains' will weed a lot of those possibilities out. i think it would be generous to say that it cuts the possibilities in half to yield somewhere around 42,000 possibilities. Yikes!

    I've come up with something i like that generates megahex terrain tiles using patterns. i'll post shortly.

    1. first, decide what types of terrain you want and assign to the results of a 1d6 roll. here's the table i'm working with: 1d6: [1]swamp [2]flatland (open terrain) [3]flatland [4]forest [5]forest [6]mountain

      roll for terrain type. then roll for a pattern on this chart:

      fill in the shaded areas with your primary terrain.

      repeat this 2-step process 2 more times but rotate the pattern until it fills the most of the remaining hexes. do not change/overwrite hexes that are already filled. if there are still any unfilled hexes after doing this 3 times, fill them with your 'default' terrain type (most likely open-terrain/flatlands/countryside)

      i hope this makes sense. i don't know how else to explain without doing some sort of whiteboard presentation.

    2. ^ crap! the 'pattern roll' is a 2d6 roll

  2. This is great Adam, really inspiring stuff! Can't wait ti delve into this further.

  3. how set are you on using the megahex format? the more i play with it, the more it seems too small to be very interesting or worthwhile. what do you think about 'pocket lands'?
    pocket lands and perils...yum, yum. gives everyone more room to be creative

    1. ^ 3-6 points of interest with that image...or use a super? megahex - 5-hex diameter

      each little region fits on an index card and happily matches the Pockets of Peril...

    2. better image...

    3. ...and the whole card/image doesn't have to be used...

  4. hmm. i need more direction. how much space should each hex cover? or how long should it take adventurers to traverse 1-hex? one day? one hour? one quarter-day segment?

    (i like to divide each day into quarter-day segments that are slightly different than LAW's.
    Morning, Mid-day, Afternoon, Evening, Night. Each of the quarter-day segments are 4hrs long, so "daytime" is 16hrs long running from 6-ish AM to 10-ish PM. Night is 8hrs long.)

    1. i take it back. i found my direction and can't seem to stop scribbling notes - using just one megahex. i'm letting each hex represent 50mi (10hrs/1day to cross) with one encounter check every quarter-day segment (4hrs) and one at night (8hrs).

    2. at first i was astonished at how much material one megahex inspired me to generate. now i'm overwhelmed. i have enough ideas for random encounters and points of interest to make something like Barbarian Prince...II and III...crap.

  5. Hi Adam! Thanks for your enthusiasm to get this rolling! I am neck deep in finishing Raedwald so I won;t be able to give full scope to this until I am done. So hang in there, I just have to get one very important project done before delving fully into a new one! Thanks!

  6. :) sorry. didn't mean to rush/pressure you. i understand. i do get carried away with enthusiasm sometimes, which tends to rub people the wrong way. :) you have handled me very well! thanks!
