Sunday, January 26, 2014

Saltbox, not Sandbox

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Geordie Racer came up with a fantastic term for what we are doing here: creating Saltbox settings (instead of Sandbox)...and I think that is really cool! Bravo Geordie!

Second the voting (thus far) is leaning towards just stating out the book for Heroes & Other Worlds...and will most likely make the work available under a creative commons license.

While you have no doubt started considering your Saltbox setting, I wanted to give a brief update on the design process so you can start focusing your efforts.

Title: (This would be the name of your Saltbox Setting)

Theme: (This is a TWO WORD hook describing your setting) Two word?  Yup that is all you need to give a quick flavor to the prospective Referee! Examples Undead Hordes, Pirate Lair, Smuggler Port, Dwarven Ruins, Warring Tribes, Harpies Roost, Pagan Sorcerers, Marooned Cannibals, Volcano Temple, etc.

Saltbox Notes: Here is where you will give a brief outline of the island's history, its environs, weather and what the gist of adventures are in this location.

Random Encounters: (6 potential monsters or encounters that Players may find while exploring the island)

Locations:  (This is where you place specific things hound in a location hex once it is entered and explored.)

I am still working out the master map but at this point I think there will be somewhere around 50 to 70 open hexes you can use to build your Saltbox with.  1 hex = 6 mi

IMPORTANT: If you are interested in participating, please email me directly with the header:  I'M ON BOARD. While others elsewhere have posted saying I am interested...I have only received 3 emails with "I'M ON BOARD!" in the header! 

Don't be left out, I dont want to miss your contribution! If you have not yet, Please send an email with the header I'M ON BOARD to: Fenway5 (AT) frontier(dot)COM


  1. Great idea but no time. Already over committed on gaming.

  2. Saltbox is a term I read on the NYC Redbox board, so nope, not my invention - but it fits !

  3. i love it! i've never been too crazy with how the 'sandbox' term is used anyway. saltbox definitely fits! saltydog is awaiting saltbox instructions, cap'ns! i hope i can throw a nice piece of meat into the saltbox but i'm pretty sure it will stink. lol

    1. Don't trip yourself up before you start Adam, I am sure it will be great! :)

  4. everyone needs to signup. i don't want ewookie's crap to make the cut just because there weren't enough entries! :)
