Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mark Hill HOW Counters

Someone asked for a sneak peek, so here you go a selection of counters done for Heroes & Other Worlds by Mark Hill!  The work continues...


  1. That was some pretty sweet counter work there -- and it was me that asked for the sneak peek -- the only option I can pick is the "unknown" one since I don't use any of the other systems listed. My name is Jeff, and I'm also the guy that commented a few days back on hoping you were still considering bringing out Grim Venture and Blades and Black Magic (as well as another issue of Cauldron at some point). Hi. ;-)

  2. Thanks all Mark's work is really old school cool!

    ...and yes indeed more Cauldron, Grim Venture, Blades and Black Magic a some other stuff is all still coming just takes time as this is a one man show done in the spaces in between the demands of life! :)

  3. Those are very cool. I love the retro look.
