Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Eye of Horus

I found a unique Eqyptian themed adventure by Graeme Davis published in Imagine Magazine waaaaay back in 1984--over 30 years ago--holy crap.  Graeme has provided many of his published adventures for free download--and Sethotep is one of those!

Sethotep was published with creature stats for B/X, AD&D, and DragonQuest...and I thought it needed stats for HOW! So I wrote up a cheat sheet for creature stats you can download here! Once you have downloaded the adventure from Graeme's site, you can use the HOW conversion creature sheet to play it.

The treasure can be a bit "generous" as is D&D's want, so I'd say make anything in GP silver instead, and  maybe cut it in half.  Up to you, but I prefer treasure to be not quite as bountiful.  Your mileage may very...

Now fire up some Iron Maiden Powerslave and get to it!


  1. It's like you're reading my mind now. I've been thinking about a pseudo-Egyptian campaign lately and then you go and post this. So cool.

    1. Glad it help foster some immediate gaming M Po. :)

  2. Thanks for posting both the link to his stuff AND your conversion stats! It's always a good idea to have something like this in the backlog, just waiting for the players to wander into a desert area and then stump the heck out of their poor, overworked GM by wandering off in some oddball fashion. When you have an adventure like this available, you can zing 'em anyway!

    Plus I always liked Mr. Davis' work...

  3. First off? What about the Cauldron 2? :D Don't try to create a diversion :D Obviously - JOKE.

    Great idea! Love to read egyptian books written by Christian Jacq, famous french egyptologist. I reccomend it. Wanted to run few adv in this climate. Have you more of it?

    Happy New Year, full of exploration and maximal immersion in your lovely settings :))))))))

    1. Happy New Year Marek! Cauldron 2 is delayed again as I have been sick over the holidays--but I have been working on the "career compendium" as they are bite sized bits I can knock out as cold medicine allows.

  4. First off (without "?")... There is no edit...

  5. Good health in a New Year, our Hector! :) We're waiting for S&S product, too :)

  6. Glad you liked it!

    Coincidentally, I just wrote another Egyptian-themed article, this time for a Kickstarter campaign run by a Swedish RPG mag called Fenix (don't worry, the article will be published in English in a special Kickstarter issue). More details at - scroll down for English text.

    It's a new and systemless take on mummies, using the ancient Egyptian concept of the multiple soul (ka, ba, shu, etc) to create seven levels of mummy from the shambling neck-breaker of the early Universal movies through lich-priests to the completely resurrected as in the Anne Rice book and the old White Wolf World of Darkness Mummy book. There's also a bonus section on mummy amulets: the ancient Egyptians used dozens of types.

    If you're interested, you can contact the publishers via their Facebook page at
