Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Alfred the Great, me not so much

I think I mentioned it before but two of my favorite reads are Ancient Warfare magazine and Medieval warfare magazine.

I subscribed to both and get PDF issues, then loot them for all sorts of great ideas.  So tonight they emailed and I downloaded the latest Medieval Warfare magazine.  This issue is perfect for those of you who dig a gritty and more Dark Ages style game.
Check it out for yourself here.

Now for the not so great part of the post.  I have more ideas than time in my life right now to do everything I want to get done.  Between work, travel, and other obligations, I am burning myself down.  So I had to make a hard choice, but I think its the right one...Cauldron #2 will have to wait as I focus my limited availble time on finishing the conversion of Lee Reynoldson's Raedwald.

Cauldron #2 will still come out, I just can't guarantee when, and Lee's Raedwald is so great, it's the one I would want to have first as a player too.

Thanks for your support and patience!


  1. Don't burn out that would mean an end to all this great stuff! Besides I look forward to Raedwald. Thanks for the Mag tips. I didn't know they existed.


  2. Thank Morgan, nope not burning out--just don;t have time to tackle everything I would like to! So its really a matter of focusing my limited time on what I can get done--and what I hope will be of most interest and fun! Thanks for your support!

  3. Sounds like my "cup of tea." Until now, I was unaware of these magazines. And until I read Rob's post today, I was unaware of your blog.

    Glad to have found both!

  4. Hey Mystic Scholar, welcome to an unique outpost on the borders of the OSR! Hope you will like what you find!

    1. Thanks, Fenway. I see you found my blog! LOL

      Now we'll be exchanging ideas and thoughts.
