Saturday, September 21, 2013

Where I am at

Work has me swamped so my posting and responses are not as quick as normal.  That being said I wanted to give you a quick update on where I am at on some projects:

Cauldron 2, about 75% done-this is planned to be out in Late October.

Lee Reynoldson's Raedwald- Also about 75% done this is planned to be out in December.

In addition I have two completed projects I have not mentioned before. I am saving these for release next year. My hope is those two will give me "cover" as I work on Blades & Black Magic. By cover I mean there will be continued releases as I grind away on Blades & Black Magic.

Thanks for your patience and your continued support!


  1. Looking forward to Blades & Black Magic. Is this described in further depth elsewhere?


  2. Ahhh found it in a March 2012 Blog. Good stuff!

    1. Thanks Mabon, you found it before I could reply!

  3. my group is willing to play test for you. We are heavily into TFT style games, including yours and legends of the ancient world

  4. Interesting note about that picture. The person in the picture writing the scroll is called a SOFER. A SOFER is a Rabinical figure trained in writing SCROLLS, and other religiously oriented and religiously legal documents.

    These include: marriage and divorce agreements, contracts, mesuzot, Torah, the 5 books bible (job, ecclesiastics, ruth, song of songs, lamentations), read during the jewish calender year. A Sofer tries to live on a higher spiritual level.

    The SOFER in this picture is writing a TORAH scroll. This is the holiest religious object in an observant persons life. It contains the basis of written Jewish law, and is supported by the oral law also known as the talmud.

  5. Looking forward to seeing what you've done with Redwald. Can't wait.
