Sunday, June 29, 2014

Testing and waiting

Along with the print test I ordered for the new adventure, I created a print test for a spiral bound booklet of character sheets!

The sheets are double sided, and the back of a character sheet provides room for background, more equipment, more spells/skills and a box for a character portrait--the reverse side has the same border Dave created for each respective character class (Adventurer/Wizard). These are A5 sized sheets roughly half a, landscape format.

The cover artwork for the character sheets is licensed from the extremely talented Luigi Castellani--who is also working on new unique illustrations for future HOW projects!

Once the print tests are back, and any necessary changes are made, these will be released on Lulu. I'd expect to go live in about 2 weeks.


  1. So, about two weeks for this and the new adventure? (translation: SQUUEEE!)

    1. HA! Yes sir, should be 2 weeks assuming everything goes to plan! Thanks for your support! :)

  2. Now THAT makes for a cool Birthday present! Yay!

    1. I hope the timing works out!

    2. Didn't you know? Birthday's last for a month, at least! ;-) Happy Fourth of July, too -- enjoy your weekend!
