What is Heroes & Other Worlds?

Heroes & Other Worlds is a game of adventure inspired by Metagaming's classic Melee/Wizard/TFT system combined with inspiration from the Moldvay edited basic game. The rules are easy to learn and use standard six sided dice. The system is simple, sensible and flexible in the spirit of classic role playing games from the early 80's. Become a Hero, Other Worlds await!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

BLADES combat clarification

After getting a question regarding combat  clarification elsewhere, I realized there is an error on my part and an opportunity to insure everyone gets the same understanding.  

First I apologize for not making things 100% clear in the original writing of the rules, lots of reasons for why, but what matters is fixing the mistake--not the blame.

In Blades there are 3 skill levels-Inexperienced (I), Trained (T) and Expert (X). How this applies to combat skills & combat:

A character in combat that is INEXPERIENCED (I) with their weapon can make up to 1 attack or 1 defense in their turn with the weapon.  Each additional action suffers a +1 die DRM, this penalty is cumulative.

A character in combat that is TRAINED (T) with their weapons can make up to 1 attack and 1 defense in their turn with the weapon. Each additional action suffer a +1 die DRM,this penalty is cumulative.

A character that is an EXPERT (X) with their weapons can make up to 2 attacks and 2 defenses in their turn with the weapon. Each additional action suffer a +1 die DRM, this penalty is cumulative.

There are some gaps/confusion as currently written--but this is what I meant in the rules. I will re-edit and clarify the rules text later tonight to better call this out. I apologize it was not done so originally.   
Thanks again for your patience and support!